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Conventional power plants
Package version
Description List of conventional power plants in Germany and European countries
Notes This datapackage contains data on conventional power plants for Germany as well as other selected European countries. The data includes individual power plants with their technical characteristics. These include installed capacity, main energy source, type of technology, CHP capability, and geographical information. The geographical scope is primarily on Germany and its neighboring countries. The datapackage currently covers Germany, Austria, Belgium, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Denmark, Spain, Finland, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Sweden, Slovakia, Slovenia, and United Kingdom. Due to varying data quality of publicly available data, not all information can be provided for each country. Sources for European countries comprise detailed power plants lists from national institutions, ministries, or market participants as well as manually compiled lists of power plants for countries without a system-wide power plant list. All data processing is conducted in Python and pandas, and has been documented in the Jupyter Notebooks linked below.
Last changes Updated data to new powerplant lists, bugfixes
Geographical scope Germany, Austria, Belgium, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Denmark, Spain, Finland, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Sweden, Slovakia, Slovenia, United Kingdom
Geographical resolution individual power plants
Documentation Documentation and script (view on GitHub)
Download Data package (zip) (763 kB)

Individual data files (csv, xlsx)
conventional_power_plants_DE.csv (294 kB) Filter
conventional_power_plants_DE.xlsx (157 kB)
conventional_power_plants_EU.csv (780 kB) Filter
conventional_power_plants_EU.xlsx (398 kB)

Database (SQLite)
conventional_power_plants.sqlite (1 MB)
Meta data
Input data View original input data
Sources BNetzA Kraftwerksliste (DE) | Umweltbundesamt Datenbank Kraftwerke in Deutschland (DE) | Verbund AG hydro power plants (AT) | ELIA Generation facilities (BE) | BFE Statistik der Wasserkraftanlagen der Schweiz (CH) | BFE Nuclear Energy (CH) | CEPS Available capacity (CZ) | List of power plants (DK) (link inactive) | SEDE Productores (ES) | Energy authority Power plant register (FI) | RTE List of production units with more than 100MW (FR) | TERNA Installed generation capacity 2014 (IT) | TenneT Available capacity 2016 (NL) | Nordpool Power plant units (NO) | GPI List of generation units (PL) | Nordpool Power plant units (SE) | SEAS Power plants (SK) | Statistical office Power stations in the United Kingdom (Dukes 5.10) (UK)
Report issue Report an issue on Github
Contact Jens Weibezahn | Richard Weinhold | Clemens Gerbaulet | Friedrich Kunz
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Attribution should be given as follows: Open Power System Data. 2018. Data Package Conventional power plants. Version 2018-12-20. (Primary data from various sources, for a complete list see URL).
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Field documentation

conventional power plants DE.csv

Field Name Type (Format) Description
id string Power plant ID based on the ID provided in the BNetzA-list.
name_bnetza string Power plant name as specified in the BNetzA power plant list
block_bnetza string Block name as specified in the BNetzA power plant list
name_uba string Power plant name according to UBA data
company string Company name
street string Street as specified in the BNetzA power plant list
postcode string Postcode as specified in the BNetzA power plant list
city string City as specified in the BNetzA power plant list
state string State as specified in the BNetzA power plant list
country_code string Two-letter ISO code
capacity_net_bnetza number Net installed capacity based on BNetzA
capacity_gross_uba number Gross installed capacity according to UBA data
fuel string Used fuel or energy source
technology string Power plant technology or sort
chp boolean Status of being able to supply heat
chp_capacity_uba number Heat capacity according to UBA data
commissioned integer Year of commissioning formatted as integer, using data from BNetzA and UBA
commissioned_original string Year of commissioning (raw data)
retrofit integer Year of modernization according to UBA data
shutdown integer Year of decommissioning based on BNetzA data
status string Power plant status
type string Purpose of the produced power
lat number Precise geographic coordinates - latitude
lon number Precise geographic coordinates - longitude
eic_code_plant string EIC code of plant
eic_code_block string EIC code of block
efficiency_data number Proportion between power output and input, self researched values
efficiency_source string Source of efficiency data
efficiency_estimate number Estimated proportion between power output and input
energy_source_level_1 string Energy source level 1 according to the documentation
energy_source_level_2 string Energy source level 2 according to the documentation
energy_source_level_3 string Energy source level 3 according to the documentation
eeg boolean Status of being entitled to a renumeration
network_node string Connection point to the electricity grid based on BNetzA data
voltage string Grid or transformation level of the network node based on BNetzA data
network_operator string Network operator of the grid or transformation level based on BNetzA data
merge_comment string Comment on BNetzA - UBA merge
comment string Further comments

conventional power plants DE.xlsx

Field Name Type (Format) Description
id string Power plant ID based on the ID provided in the BNetzA-list.
name_bnetza string Power plant name as specified in the BNetzA power plant list
block_bnetza string Block name as specified in the BNetzA power plant list
name_uba string Power plant name according to UBA data
company string Company name
street string Street as specified in the BNetzA power plant list
postcode string Postcode as specified in the BNetzA power plant list
city string City as specified in the BNetzA power plant list
state string State as specified in the BNetzA power plant list
country_code string Two-letter ISO code
capacity_net_bnetza number Net installed capacity based on BNetzA
capacity_gross_uba number Gross installed capacity according to UBA data
fuel string Used fuel or energy source
technology string Power plant technology or sort
chp boolean Status of being able to supply heat
chp_capacity_uba number Heat capacity according to UBA data
commissioned integer Year of commissioning formatted as integer, using data from BNetzA and UBA
commissioned_original string Year of commissioning (raw data)
retrofit integer Year of modernization according to UBA data
shutdown integer Year of decommissioning based on BNetzA data
status string Power plant status
type string Purpose of the produced power
lat number Precise geographic coordinates - latitude
lon number Precise geographic coordinates - longitude
eic_code_plant string EIC code of plant
eic_code_block string EIC code of block
efficiency_data number Proportion between power output and input, self researched values
efficiency_source string Source of efficiency data
efficiency_estimate number Estimated proportion between power output and input
energy_source_level_1 string Energy source level 1 according to the documentation
energy_source_level_2 string Energy source level 2 according to the documentation
energy_source_level_3 string Energy source level 3 according to the documentation
eeg boolean Status of being entitled to a renumeration
network_node string Connection point to the electricity grid based on BNetzA data
voltage string Grid or transformation level of the network node based on BNetzA data
network_operator string Network operator of the grid or transformation level based on BNetzA data
merge_comment string Comment on BNetzA - UBA merge
comment string Further comments

conventional power plants EU.csv

Field Name Type (Format) Description
name string Power plant name as specified in national data sources
company string Company name
street string Street as specified in national data source
postcode string Postcode as specified in national data sourcee
city string City as specified in national data source
country string Two-letter ISO code
capacity number Installed generation capacity in MW
energy_source string Input energy source (e.g., hard coal, lignite, nuclear)
technology string Power plant technology (e.g., gas turbine, steam turbine)
chp boolean Status of being able to supply heat
commissioned number Year of commissioning formatted as integer, using data from BNetzA and UBA
type string Purpose of the produced power (e.g. CHP or IPP)
lat number Precise geographic coordinates - latitude
lon number Precise geographic coordinates - longitude
eic_code string EIC code
energy_source_level_1 string Energy source level 1 according to the documentation
energy_source_level_2 string Energy source level 2 according to the documentation
energy_source_level_3 string Energy source level 3 according to the documentation
additional_info string Additional information on power plants as provided in national data source
comment string Own OPSD comments on data entries (e.g., errors, missing data, inconsistencies)
source string Source of information

conventional power plants EU.xlsx

Field Name Type (Format) Description
name string Power plant name as specified in national data sources
company string Company name
street string Street as specified in national data source
postcode string Postcode as specified in national data sourcee
city string City as specified in national data source
country string Two-letter ISO code
capacity number Installed generation capacity in MW
energy_source string Input energy source (e.g., hard coal, lignite, nuclear)
technology string Power plant technology (e.g., gas turbine, steam turbine)
chp boolean Status of being able to supply heat
commissioned number Year of commissioning formatted as integer, using data from BNetzA and UBA
type string Purpose of the produced power (e.g. CHP or IPP)
lat number Precise geographic coordinates - latitude
lon number Precise geographic coordinates - longitude
eic_code string EIC code
energy_source_level_1 string Energy source level 1 according to the documentation
energy_source_level_2 string Energy source level 2 according to the documentation
energy_source_level_3 string Energy source level 3 according to the documentation
additional_info string Additional information on power plants as provided in national data source
comment string Own OPSD comments on data entries (e.g., errors, missing data, inconsistencies)
source string Source of information
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