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National generation capacity
Package version
Description Aggregated generation capacity by technology and country
Notes This data package comprises technology-specific aggregated generation capacities for European countries. The generation capacities are consistently categorized based on fuel and technology. For each European country, various references are used ranging from international (e.g. ENTSOE or EUROSTAT) to national sources from e.g. regulatory authorities. The input data is processed in the script linked below.
Last changes Updated data for 2020, bugfixes
Geographical scope Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Spain, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Irland, Italy, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Latvia, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Slovenia, Slovakia, United Kingdom
Geographical resolution national aggregates
Documentation Documentation and script (view on GitHub)
Download Data package (zip) (611 kB)

Individual data files (csv, xlsx)
national_generation_capacity.xlsx (323 kB)
national_generation_capacity_stacked.csv (6 MB) Filter

Database (SQLite)
national_generation_capacity.sqlite (6 MB)
Meta data
Input data View original input data
Sources EUROSTAT | UN Statistical Office | ENTSOE Statistics | ENTSOE Power Statistics | ENTSOE SO&AF | ENTSOE Transparency Platform | e-control | ELIA | TSO Bulgaria | BFE | ERU | BMWi | DEA | Statistics Estonia | REE | RTE | Statistics Finland | Department of Energy & Climate Change UK | REA | HOPS | Mavir | Eirgrid | Terna | Litgrid | Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia | Tennet | Statistics Norway | CIRE | REN | ANRE | Swedish Energy Agency | Agencija za energijo | Statistical Office of Slovakia
Report issue Report an issue on Github
Contact Mario Kendziorski | Elmar Zozmann | Friedrich Kunz
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Attribution should be given as follows: Open Power System Data. 2020. Data Package National generation capacity. Version 2020-10-01. (Primary data from various sources, for a complete list see URL).
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Field documentation

national generation capacity stacked.csv

Field Name Type (Format) Description
id integer ID for data entries
technology string Generation technology defined by fuel and conversion technology
source string Source of data entry
source_type string Type of data source
year integer (YYYY) Year of data entry
type string Type of capacity (e.g. installed capacity)
country string Country ISO code
capacity_definition string Capacity definition used in the relevant source (net, gross, or unknown)
comment string Comments on data entry
capacity float Installed capacity in MW
energy_source_level_0 boolean Energy source level 0 (total aggregated capacity)
energy_source_level_1 boolean Energy source level 1 (aggregation or classification by type of fuel)
energy_source_level_2 boolean Energy source level 2 (aggregation or classification by fuel)
energy_source_level_3 boolean Energy source level 3 (aggregation or classification by fuel refined for bioenergy)
technology_level boolean Technology (aggregation or classification by fuel and technology)
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