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Renewable power plants
Package version
Description List of renewable energy power stations
Notes This Data Package contains a list of renewable energy power plants in lists of renewable energy-based power plants of Germany, Denmark, France and Poland. Germany: More than 1.7 million renewable power plant entries, eligible under the renewable support scheme (EEG). Denmark: Wind and phovoltaic power plants with a high level of detail. France: Aggregated capacity and number of installations per energy source per municipality (Commune). Poland: Summed capacity and number of installations per energy source per municipality (Powiat). Switzerland: Renewable power plants eligible under the Swiss feed in tariff KEV (Kostendeckende Einspeisevergütung) Due to different data availability, the power plant lists are of different accurancy and partly provide different power plant parameter. Due to that, the lists are provided as seperate csv-files per country and as separate sheets in the excel file. Suspect data or entries with high probability of duplication are marked in the column 'comment'. Theses validation markers are explained in the file validation_marker.csv. Filtering all entries with comments out results in the recommended data set. Additionally, the Data Package includes a daily time series of cumulated installed capacity per energy source type for Germany. All data processing is conducted in Python and pandas and has been documented in the Jupyter Notebooks linked below.
Last changes Fixing incorrect coordinates in previous version.
Geographical scope Germany, Denmark, France, Poland, Switzerland
Documentation Documentation and script (view on GitHub)
Download Data package (zip) (216 MB)

Individual data files (csv, xlsx)
renewable_power_plants_DE.csv (342 MB) Filter
renewable_power_plants_DK.csv (12 MB) Filter
renewable_power_plants_FR.csv (5 MB) Filter
renewable_power_plants_PL.csv (39 kB) Filter
renewable_power_plants_CH.csv (390 kB) Filter
res_plants_separated_DE_outvalidated_plants.csv (26 MB) Filter
res_plants_separated_FR_overseas_territories.csv (18 kB) Filter
renewable_power_plants.xlsx (167 MB)
validation_marker.csv (991 B)
renewable_capacity_timeseries_DE.csv (286 kB)

Database (SQLite)
renewable_power_plants.sqlite (415 MB)
Meta data
Input data View original input data
Sources BNetzA | BNetzA_PV | TransnetBW, TenneT, Amprion, 50Hertz, | Postleitzahlen Deutschland | | Energistyrelsen | GeoNames | Ministry for the Ecological and Inclusive Transition | OpenDataSoft | Urzad Regulacji Energetyki (URE) | Bundesamt für Energie (BFE)
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Contact Ingmar Schlecht
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Attribution in Chicago author-date style should be given as follows: "Open Power System Data. 2018. Data Package Renewable power plants. Version 2018-03-08. (Primary data from various sources, for a complete list see URL)."
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Field documentation

renewable power plants DE.csv

Field Name Type (Format) Description
commissioning_date date (YYYY-MM-DD) Date of commissioning of specific unit
decommissioning_date date (YYYY-MM-DD) Date of decommissioning of specific unit
energy_source_level_1 string Type of energy source (e.g. Renewable energy)
energy_source_level_2 string Type of energy source (e.g. Wind, Solar)
energy_source_level_3 string Subtype of energy source (e.g. Biomass and biogas)
technology string Technology to harvest energy source (e.g. Onshore, Photovoltaics)
electrical_capacity number (float) Installed electrical capacity in MW
thermal_capacity number (float) Installed thermal capacity in MW
voltage_level string Voltage level of grid connection
tso string Name of transmission system operator of the area the plant is located
dso string Name of distribution system operator of the region the plant is located in
dso_id string Company number of German distribution grid operator
eeg_id string Power plant EEG (German feed-in tariff law) remuneration number
bnetza_id string Power plant identification number by BNetzA
federal_state string Name of German administrative level 'Bundesland'
postcode string German zip-code
municipality_code string German Gemeindenummer (municipalitiy number)
municipality string Name of German Gemeinde (municipality)
address string Street name or name of land parcel
address_number string House number or number of land parcel
utm_zone Universal Transverse Mercator zone value
utm_east numeric (float) Coordinate in Universal Transverse Mercator (east)
utm_north numeric (float) Coordinate in Universal Transverse Mercator (north)
lat geopoint (lat) Latitude coordinates
lon geopoint (lon) Longitude coordinates
data_source string Source of database entry
comment string Shortcodes for comments related to this entry, explanation can be looked up in validation_marker.csv

renewable power plants DK.csv

Field Name Type (Format) Description
commissioning_date date (YYYY-MM-DD)
energy_source_level_1 string Type of energy source (e.g. Renewable energy)
energy_source_level_2 string Type of energy source (e.g. Wind, Solar)
technology string Technology to harvest energy source (e.g. Onshore, Photovoltaics)
electrical_capacity number (float) Installed electrical capacity in MW
dso string Name of distribution system operator of the region the plant is located in
gsrn_id number (integer) Danish wind turbine identifier number (GSRN)
postcode string Danish zip-code
municipality_code string Danish 3-digit Kommune-Nr
municipality string Name of Danish Kommune
address string Street name or name of land parcel
address_number string House number or number of land parcel
utm_east numeric (float) Coordinate in Universal Transverse Mercator (east)
utm_north numeric (float) Coordinate in Universal Transverse Mercator (north)
lat geopoint (lat) Latitude coordinates
lon geopoint (lon) Longitude coordinates
hub_height numeric (float) Wind turbine hub heigth in m
rotor_diameter numeric (float) Wind turbine rotor diameter in m
manufacturer string Company that has built the wind turbine
model string Wind turbind model type
data_source string Source of database entry

renewable power plants FR.csv

Field Name Type (Format) Description
municipality_code string French 5-digit INSEE code for Communes
municipality string Name of French Commune
energy_source_level_1 string Type of energy source (e.g. Renewable energy)
energy_source_level_2 string Type of energy source (e.g. Wind, Solar)
energy_source_level_3 string Subtype of energy source (e.g. Biomass and biogas)
technology string Technology to harvest energy source (e.g. Onshore, Photovoltaics)
electrical_capacity number (float) Installed electrical capacity in MW
number_of_installations number (integer) Number of installations of the energy source subtype in the municipality
lat geopoint (lat) Latitude coordinates
lon geopoint (lon) Longitude coordinates
data_source string Source of database entry

renewable power plants PL.csv

Field Name Type (Format) Description
district string Name of the Polish powiat
energy_source_level_1 string Type of energy source (e.g. Renewable energy)
energy_source_level_2 string Type of energy source (e.g. Wind, Solar)
energy_source_level_3 string Subtype of energy source (e.g. Biomass and biogas)
technology string Technology to harvest energy source (e.g. Onshore, Photovoltaics)
electrical_capacity number (float) Installed electrical capacity in MW
number_of_installations number (integer) Number of installations of the energy source subtype in the district
data_source string Source of database entry

renewable power plants CH.csv

Field Name Type (Format) Description
commissioning_date date (YYYY-MM-DD)
municipality string
energy_source_level_1 string Type of energy source (e.g. Renewable energy)
energy_source_level_2 string Type of energy source (e.g. Wind, Solar)
technology string Technology to harvest energy source (e.g. Onshore, Photovoltaics)
electrical_capacity number (float) Installed electrical capacity in MW
municipality_code number (integer)
project_name string name of the project
production numeric (float) yearly production in MWh
tariff numeric (float) tariff in CHF for 2016
notification_date date (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.SSSSS) date of data entriy at BFE
street string Street name
canton string name of the cantones/ member states of the Swiss conferderation
company string name of the company
lat geopoint (lat) Latitude coordinates
lon geopoint (lon) Longitude coordinates
data_source string Source of database entry

res plants separated DE outvalidated plants.csv

Field Name Type (Format) Description
commissioning_date date (YYYY-MM-DD) Date of commissioning of specific unit
decommissioning_date date (YYYY-MM-DD) Date of decommissioning of specific unit
energy_source_level_1 string Type of energy source (e.g. Renewable energy)
energy_source_level_2 string Type of energy source (e.g. Wind, Solar)
energy_source_level_3 string Subtype of energy source (e.g. Biomass and biogas)
technology string Technology to harvest energy source (e.g. Onshore, Photovoltaics)
electrical_capacity number (float) Installed electrical capacity in MW
thermal_capacity number (float) Installed thermal capacity in MW
voltage_level string Voltage level of grid connection
tso string Name of transmission system operator of the area the plant is located
dso string Name of distribution system operator of the region the plant is located in
dso_id string Company number of German distribution grid operator
eeg_id string Power plant EEG (German feed-in tariff law) remuneration number
bnetza_id string Power plant identification number by BNetzA
federal_state string Name of German administrative level 'Bundesland'
postcode string German zip-code
municipality_code string German Gemeindenummer (municipalitiy number)
municipality string Name of German Gemeinde (municipality)
address string Street name or name of land parcel
address_number string House number or number of land parcel
utm_zone Universal Transverse Mercator zone value
utm_east numeric (float) Coordinate in Universal Transverse Mercator (east)
utm_north numeric (float) Coordinate in Universal Transverse Mercator (north)
lat geopoint (lat) Latitude coordinates
lon geopoint (lon) Longitude coordinates
data_source string Source of database entry
comment string Shortcodes for comments related to this entry, explanation can be looked up in validation_marker.csv

res plants separated FR overseas territories.csv

Field Name Type (Format) Description
municipality_code string French 5-digit INSEE code for Communes
municipality string Name of French Commune
energy_source_level_1 string Type of energy source (e.g. Renewable energy)
energy_source_level_2 string Type of energy source (e.g. Wind, Solar)
energy_source_level_3 string Subtype of energy source (e.g. Biomass and biogas)
technology string Technology to harvest energy source (e.g. Onshore, Photovoltaics)
electrical_capacity number (float) Installed electrical capacity in MW
number_of_installations number (integer) Number of installations of the energy source subtype in the municipality
lat geopoint (lat) Latitude coordinates
lon geopoint (lon) Longitude coordinates
data_source string Source of database entry

validation marker.csv

Field Name Type (Format) Description
Validation_Marker string Name of validation marker utilized in column comment in the renewable_power_plant_germany.csv
Explanation string Comment explaining meaning of validation marker

renewable capacity timeseries DE.csv

Field Name Type (Format) Description
datetime (YYYY-MM-DD) Day
Solar number (float) Cumulated electrical solar capacity in MW
Onshore number (float) Cumulated electrical wind onshore capacity in MW
Offshore number (float) Cumulated electrical wind offshore capacity in MW
Bioenergy and renewable waste number (float) Cumulated electrical bioenergy and renewable waste capacity in MW
Geothermal number (float) Cumulated electrical geothermal capacity in MW
Run-of-river number (float) Cumulated electrical run-of-river capacity in MW
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