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Weather data

Package version
Description Script for the download of MERRA-2 weather data
Notes Weather data differ significantly from the other data types used resp. provided by OPSD in that the sheer size of the data packages greatly exceeds OPSD's capacity to host them in a similar way as feed-in timeseries, power plant data etc. While the other data packages also offer a complete one-klick download of the bundled data packages with all relevant data this is impossible for weather datasets like MERRA-2 due to their size (variety of variables, very long timespan, huge geographical coverage etc.). It would make no sense to mirror the data from the NASA servers. Instead we choose to provide a documented methodological script (as a kind of tutorial). The method describes one way to automatically obtain the desired weather data from the MERRA-2 database and simplifies resp. unifies alternative manual data obtaining methods in a single script. It is recommended to study the the "Step-by-step user guide" (developer use case) on this platform to learn how to run the script. The data package contains a sample dataset for Germany and the year 2016
Last changes corrected typos, slight modifications (file names)
Geographical scope Worldwide (German sample dataset for 2016)
Documentation Documentation and script (view on GitHub)
Download Data package (zip) (75 MB)

Individual data files (csv, xlsx)
weather_data_GER_2016.csv (302 MB)

Database (SQLite)
weather_data.sqlite (281 MB)
Meta data
Input data Not provided
Sources MERRA-2
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Contact Martin Jahn | Jan Urbansky
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Attribution in Chicago author-date style should be given as follows: "Open Power System Data. 2017. Data Package Weather data. Version 2017-07-05. (Primary data from various sources, for a complete list see URL)."
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Field documentation

weather data GER 2016.csv

Field Name Type (Format) Description
timestamp date-time (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ) Start of timeperiod in Coordinated Universal Time
cumulated hours number (integer) summarized number of hours for the timeperiod of the dataset
lat geopoint (lat) Latitude coordinates
lon geopoint (lon) Longitude coordinates
v1 number (float) wind speed 2 meters above displacement height
v2 number (float) wind speed 10 meters above displacement height
v_50m number (float) wind speed 50 meters above ground
h1 number (float) height above ground corresponding to v1
h2 number (integer) height above ground corresponding to v2
z0 number (integer) roughness length
SWTDN number (float) total top-of-the-atmosphere horizontal radiation
SWGDN number (float) total ground horizontal radiation
T number (float) Temperature 2 meters above displacement height
rho number (float) air density at surface
p number (float) air pressure at surface
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